University of Dowell- Course Management System
The assignment aims to build Course Management System (CMS) for UDW which allows the
University to manage unit enrolment, and tutorial allocation. CMS provides the following functions:
• The management of units
• Tutorial allocation management
• Student management
• Academic staff information
The site serves as a comprehensive portal with information on timetables, unit details, academic
staff and functions such as tutorial allocation and unit enrolment.
Students, teaching team of Unit Coordinator (UC), Lecturers, and Tutors as well as the Degree
Coordinator (DC) are the main users.
There will be two Master lists: Academic Staff and Units.
Master list of academic staff contains the list of the UC, lecturers and tutors. Master list of Units
contains the list of units offered by the UDW. The degree coordinator may manage both master lists
of academic staff and units.
Each UC will be responsible for selecting tutors from the “Master List of Academic staff”. This will be
included in the Unit details. (i.e., the list of tutors of each unit)
Each unit will have at least 2 academic staff (numbers are determined by DC), one of whom will be
assigned to be the UC by the DC. Lecturers and tutors can be rostered to work at any unit, but there
can be only one lecturer at each campus for each unit at a time.
To use the CMS, staff and students must first register by providing Student/Staff ID, Name, E-mail
address, and password for mandatory information. Address, Date of Birth, and Phone number are
Each class has a maximum capacity of students in the class. If a class is full, students cannot enrol
into it. They instead must choose another available class. For example, if the capacity of tutorial is a
maximum of 20 people, then students cannot join that tutorial once the tutorial is full. Also,
different labs have different capacities which will be applied when students are allocated.
Power in Numbers
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