CRM Development & Maintenance
My first CRM-cum-OMS that i had developed for Softisol in 2018. Photo from the maintenance report i had submitted to Serviq Solutions Sdn Bhd. I was a part of this organisation for about 2 years. My responsibilities were not just limited to web development but provide support for the entire ICT operations.
Human Resource Information System
Human Resource Information System- The ICT Discipline within the School of Technology, Environments and Design requires the Human Resource Information System. The objective of the system is to provide easy access for front desk staff to critical (but public) information about each staff member so they can
answer student queries easily. This information includes phone, room location and the units they teach. The information, which includes both textual data and staff photos, is to be presented via a Windows 10 desktop application.
ICT Consultancy Report- Tarkine Freight & logistics
The purpose of this report is to establish the security provisions for TFL to address any security issues found within the organisation.
IoT & Web Applications
Considering Internet of Things (IoT) and, based on practical field components, i had the opportunity to deploy my own IoT web applications. I had used several sensors based on a micro-controller platforms like Arduino to create sensor applications that collected data and then integrated them with the internet and cloud-based platforms.
KPP Test Android (Driving Knowledge Test Malaysia)
Final Year Project Development- Android Application for foreigners to obtain driving licenses in Malaysia.
MetroTas Mobile Application Re-development
Metro Tasmania widely known as Metro is a Tasmanian government business enterprise which is the
largest bus operator in Tasmania. Despite having huge customer base, its mobile application lacks consistency and major functionalities to suit the user’s need and meet their expectations. Metro Tas
currently uses smartcard ticketing system along with paper receipt tickets for cash only on the bus.
Lack of updates and information in the mobile application has caused a major drawback for Metro Tas
being a modern transportation enterprise.
University of Dowell- Course Management System
The assignment aims to build Course Management System (CMS) for UDW which allows the
University to manage unit enrolment, and tutorial allocation. CMS provides the following functions:
• The management of units
• Tutorial allocation management
• Student management
• Academic staff information